
Home / Training
At CERAH, 99% of our trainees are satisfied.

The Cerah offers you a cartography of training courses with a double objective.

On the one hand, training relating to the function of service provider and equipment distributor, guarantor or intervener, and on the other hand, training aimed at the professional competence of service providers on the knowledge and delivery of equipment.

For each of these training courses, Cerah provides you with indicators on satisfaction rates, success rates, etc. The programme and access modalities are described for each training course by clicking on the icons below.

CERAH also has a welcome booklet for people with disabilities PDF 626.7 ko, attending training courses in Woippy or Paris.

Quick access :  Educational visit Interventions at universities and other educational institutions Internships for students

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Internships for students

Every year, CERAH attracts many students from scientific, technical and administrative fields for a long-term internship or a graduation project.
Interested in biomechanics, research or willing to invest in a mission of general interest while enriching their personal training, they participate concretely in improving the consideration of disability in society and bring their knowledge to the world. optimization of the Center's service to people with disabilities.
Send a motivation letter and a curriculum vitae to the following address

Interventions at universities and other educational institutions

In their area of ​​competence, CERAH staff are involved in initial training courses of 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree.
Themes covered include lower limb amputee equipment, wheelchairs, technical aids or biomechanics under STAPS licenses, university degrees in orthopedic appliances, orthopedic prosthesis medical care, …

For more information : contact us

Educational visit

The CERAH hosts groups for information days, whose themes are defined beforehand, and for visits to the various laboratories that make it up.

For more information : contact us

Quality of training activities


After an initial audit organized by Afnor, the Qualiopi certification was delivered to Cerah. This certification is dedicated to the quality of the training activities provided and allows Cerah a better visibility and for its users, a quality offer.

Find the Qualiopi Charter PDF.

Our training organisation is datadocked


The training provided by the Centre is recognised for its quality. CERAH is registered in the datadock database and can be referenced by the funding organisations.

CERAH organizes professional training sessions for pharmacists and providers of medical devices. Also interested are all professionals involved in motor disability: doctor, nurse, masseur-physiotherapist, occupational therapist, orthopedicist, manufacturer of medical devices, staff CPAM, CRAMIF and CARSAT, etc.